Top Stryker Interview Questions and Answers: Ace Your Next Job Interview

As a job seeker, it’s essential to prepare for an interview, especially when it comes to your dream company. Stryker, an American-based multinational medical company founded in 1941, is a desirable organization to work for, with around 46,000 employees according to 2021 statistics. Their headquarters is located in Michigan, United States.

However, Stryker’s interview process can be challenging, as it includes general questions about experience and background, as well as technical or specific questions suited to their organization. To help you prepare for your Stryker interview, we have compiled 25 of the most commonly asked interview questions, along with their answers. With this information, you can feel more confident and knowledgeable in your responses, giving you an edge in the interviewing process.

Table of Contents

1. What Do You Know About Stryker?

Stryker is a multinational medical technology company that specializes in producing advanced and unique equipment for various medical purposes. The company is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment, making it a welcoming platform for everyone, regardless of their caste, nationality, or language. Stryker’s production mission is to produce efficient and risk-free products while maintaining quality, and the company team does not compromise on that. Stryker started with moving hospital beds, namely turning frames, and is now growing worldwide, offering a wide range of medical equipment and products to healthcare professionals and patients globally.

2. Do You Have A Command Over Quality Engineering And Risk Management?

In my previous roles, I have honed my skills in ensuring high-quality deliveries and adhering to safety standards. I have implemented various strategies, such as testing products and reviewing designs, to maintain quality and minimize risks. I have also supervised teams to ensure they follow proper procedures and maintain quality standards. My approach is systematic and meticulous, as even minor mistakes can have serious consequences. By prioritizing quality engineering and risk management, I can deliver safe and reliable products.

[Image of a person reviewing a product design]

3. Are Direct Sales Relatable To Medical Device Sales? What’s Your Stance On It?

In my opinion, there are similarities between direct sales and medical device sales. Both require confidence and passion to ensure profitable sales. However, medical device sales involve a more complex selling process, as it requires a thorough understanding of the product and its benefits, as well as knowledge of the medical industry and regulations.

Direct sales can be a good starting point for individuals who want to transition into medical device sales. It helps to develop essential skills such as communication, relationship building, and strategic thinking. However, it is crucial to understand the differences between the two industries and adapt accordingly.

Overall, I believe that direct sales experience can be beneficial for medical device sales, but it is not a guarantee of success. It is important to have a strong work ethic, a willingness to learn, and a passion for the industry to excel in medical device sales.

Key Points
Direct sales and medical device sales require confidence and passion for profitable sales.
Medical device sales involve a more complex selling process.
Direct sales experience can help develop essential skills for medical device sales.
Success in medical device sales requires a strong work ethic, willingness to learn, and passion for the industry.

4. Do You Have A Considerable Command Over Project Planning?

I possess a considerable command over project planning, which I have developed through years of experience. In my last job, I handled multiple projects simultaneously and designed a timeline that helped me keep track of the tasks, deadlines, and the team’s performance. I divided the tasks among the team members according to their expertise, which helped me maintain a regular track of the project’s completion status. My project planning skills have enabled me to meet the provided deadlines and manage multiple projects efficiently. I have a habit of planning things, and it has proven to be a valuable asset in my professional career.

To see an image of my project planning timeline, click [here](insert link).

5. What Unique Contributions Can You Make As A Stryker Employee?

I possess strong communication skills that enable me to interact with diverse customers and establish stable interpersonal relationships. This skill is beneficial in marketing medical products and gaining the confidence of new clients. As a former customer service assistant, I have a substantial command of conveying the necessary information to customers and resolving their queries. Additionally, I am adaptive to situations, which aids me in adjusting to new environments and handling problems accordingly. Therefore, I am confident that I can contribute to Stryker with these skills and help the company achieve its goals.

(Note: The hyperlink to the article about marketing medical products is included in this section.)

6. Do You Have First-Hand Experience With CRM Software?

I have extensive experience using CRM software, particularly in the medical industry. As a healthcare professional, I have employed proprietary systems to manage and organize patient information. In addition, I have utilized other medical software, such as Salesforce, to handle larger databases within the healthcare sector. Through my experience, I have gained valuable insight into navigating CRM software to maximize its benefits.

7. Why Did You Choose Stryker Among Other Leading Organizations?

When researching medical suppliers, I was impressed by Stryker’s commitment to providing high-quality medical instruments. Their reputation for innovation and excellence in the industry made them stand out among other leading organizations. Additionally, Stryker’s focus on serving communities aligned with my personal values and career aspirations. I am excited to be a part of a company that prioritizes patient care and strives to make a positive impact on healthcare worldwide.

8. How Do You Handle Work Pressure And Cope With Stress?

During my nursing job, I had a night shift where the staff was short, and I was left with a heavy workload. Though it was a tiring and hectic night, I tried to focus on my patients and provide them with the best care and consultancy. By doing so, I was able to motivate myself and divert my attention towards my patients. I handled the stress efficiently, which comes as a free package with work pressure. Below are some of the techniques I use to handle work pressure and cope with stress:

  • Prioritizing tasks
  • Time management
  • Taking breaks
  • Engaging in physical activities
  • Talking to colleagues or mentors for support

By using these techniques, I can handle work pressure and cope with stress in a better way.

9. Have You Ever Come Across A Situation Where You Had To Resolve A Conflict? How Did You Do It?

As someone who is often referred to as the problem solver, conflict resolution is a regular part of my work. My approach to resolving conflicts involves being a good listener, which helps build trust and allows me to provide insight and advice once the parties involved have shared their side of the story.

When two employees have issues, I aim to facilitate a conversation between them to find a mutually beneficial solution. In cases where there are problems with senior managers, I use my communication skills to address the issue and find a resolution.

Overall, my approach to conflict resolution is to remain calm, neutral, and objective while actively listening to all parties involved. This allows me to find a solution that benefits everyone and maintains a positive work environment.

[Image source](insert link to image)

10. Can You Highlight Some Of Your Strengths And Weaknesses?

In terms of my strengths, I am highly detail-oriented and strive to deliver high-quality work, minimizing the possibility of errors. To manage my workload effectively, I create a daily work plan and prioritize tasks, ensuring that I remain motivated to complete them on time. For larger projects, I break down the work into smaller sections and schedule them into my daily routine.

However, I tend to get overwhelmed when faced with tight schedules or excessive workloads. To overcome this, I ensure that I maintain a positive attitude and stay focused on the task at hand. I also seek help from colleagues when necessary, and I am always open to feedback and constructive criticism.

11. Are You A Team Worker Or An Individual?

Personally, I am adaptive to both environments, but I prefer team contribution as it ensures 100x more efficiency and productivity than individual performance with less effort. However, I am capable of transforming myself into a leader and working in a one-unit team. There’s no in-between for me, and it depends on the organization’s needs and the situation. I have considerable experience in doing both and can adjust accordingly.

12. Stryker Appreciates Professional And Personal Development. In This Context, What Did You Recently Learn?

I am passionate about learning new things, skills, or technology, and Stryker’s emphasis on a learning environment has always caught my attention. In a recent office meeting, I had the opportunity to debate the importance of AI in the medical industry, and it was an incredible experience. I learned about different related ideas and the AI-based tools that developers are incorporating into the machinery. This experience was informative for everyone and highlighted the importance of staying up-to-date with technological advancements to grow businesses. Stryker’s focus on professional and personal development is crucial in staying ahead of the curve.

[Image source](insert link to image)

13. How Will You Cope With The Technological Change Owing To Its Rapid Advancement In The Medical Industry?

I am excited about the rapid advancement of technology in the medical industry. I believe that it will bring significant improvements in patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. To cope with these changes, I plan to stay updated with the latest technological developments and attend relevant training and conferences. Additionally, I will collaborate with other healthcare professionals to share knowledge and expertise. I am confident that with a proactive approach, I can adapt to the technological changes and continue to provide quality care to my patients.

  • Attend relevant training and conferences
  • Collaborate with other healthcare professionals
  • Stay updated with the latest technological developments

14. Do Friendly Interpersonal Relations With Diverse Nations Hold Importance For You?

Absolutely! Building friendly interpersonal relationships with people from diverse nations is crucial to achieving common goals. Through these relationships, we can learn about different cultures and gain a better understanding of each other, breaking down barriers and prejudices. It is essential to maintain positive relationships with other nations to promote peace and cooperation on a global scale.

Some benefits of friendly interpersonal relations with diverse nations include:

  • Increased cultural understanding and awareness
  • The ability to work together towards common goals
  • Improved communication and collaboration
  • The promotion of peace and cooperation on a global scale

It is important to strive for friendly and positive relationships with people from all nations, regardless of cultural, political, or ideological differences. By doing so, we can create a more harmonious and interconnected world.

15. How Will You Rate Your Leadership And Competitive Skills From 1 To 10 On The Grading Scale?

When it comes to rating my leadership and competitive skills, I would give myself a 7 out of 10 in competitiveness and an 8 in leadership skills. I believe there’s always room for improvement, and I strive to learn and grow every day. Here are some reasons why I rate myself this way:

Leadership Skills:

  • I try to be more efficient and aid my colleagues with what I know.
  • I believe in leading by example and setting a positive tone for my team.
  • I am always open to feedback and willing to adjust my leadership style accordingly.

Competitive Skills:

  • I am a perfectionist when it comes to offering my services.
  • I believe in working cooperatively with my team to ensure our organization grows and succeeds.
  • I am always looking for ways to improve and stay ahead of the competition.

Overall, while I am confident in my abilities, I know that there is always room for growth and improvement.

16. What’s Your Recent Professional Achievement?

I am proud to have recently completed my Master of Pharmacy degree and am eager to apply my knowledge and skills in a practical setting. I am excited about the opportunity to work at Stryker and learn from experienced professionals in the medical industry. I am confident that I can contribute to the success of the company and further my own training and exposure in the field.

17. Briefly Describe Your Relevant Experiences In The Applied Field.

I have a diverse range of experiences in customer service, sales, and medical care. As an ER nurse, I have provided patients with exceptional care and have a strong command of medical terminologies. My leadership abilities and customer service skills have been honed through my experience in the sales department. These skills have allowed me to effectively communicate with patients, doctors, and colleagues, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

18. In Medical Industries Like Stryker, We Prioritize Accountability And Quality. How Do You Incorporate It?

Quality and accountability are fundamental values in the medical industry, and I prioritize them in every project delivery. To ensure qualitative product delivery, I take complete ownership of my actions and always strive to meet the highest standards. By incorporating a robust quality control process and utilizing the latest technology, I ensure that every product meets the required quality standards.

19. Where Do You Think You Will Be In The Next Five Years?

In the next five years, I see myself having a balanced work-life at Stryker. My plan is to continue learning and growing, reaching a position where I can feel proud of myself. As a beginner now, I know that I have a lot to learn, but I am confident that with hard work and dedication, I will be able to look back in five years and say “I did really well.”

20. What’s The Specific Time When You Are More Energetic And Productive?

As for me, I have found that the early morning hours are when I am most productive and energetic. After getting a good night’s sleep, I usually start my day around 6 am, although this may vary depending on my schedule. I have found that starting my day with a proper workout and protein shake or breakfast on some days helps to boost my energy levels and improve my productivity.

I have noticed that by starting my day earlier, I have more time to complete my daily tasks and chores. However, as the evening approaches, I tend to feel more tired and exhausted. Therefore, I believe that the morning hours are the most suitable for me, making me more productive and energetic throughout the day.

Here are some tips that may help me to find my most productive and energetic time of the day:

  • Experiment with different times of the day to see when I feel the most alert and focused.
  • Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule to ensure I am well-rested and energized.
  • Incorporate exercise and healthy eating habits into my daily routine to boost my energy levels.
  • Avoid distractions and interruptions during my most productive hours to stay focused and motivated.

21. Are You Familiar With Medical Industry Jargon And Terminologies?

I have a comprehensive understanding of medical jargon and terminologies. I am always eager to learn more by listening or reading them wherever possible. Some of the terminologies I am familiar with include benign, inpatient, in remission, angina, edema, embolism, lesion, and noninvasive. I regularly revise these terminologies to retain them and avoid inconvenience in times of need. Knowing medical jargon provides short-hand language and aids in clear communication, which is essential in the medical industry.

Medical JargonDefinition
BenignNot harmful or cancerous
InpatientA patient who stays overnight or longer in a hospital
In remissionA period when the symptoms of a disease are reduced or disappear
AnginaChest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart
EdemaSwelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the body’s tissues
EmbolismA blockage of a blood vessel by a foreign substance, such as a blood clot
LesionA damaged or abnormal area of tissue
NoninvasiveA medical procedure that doesn’t require inserting instruments into the body

22. What Motivates You To Do This Stressful Job?

I am motivated by the fact that my work is contributing to the betterment of society. Knowing that the products we produce are helping humanity overcome sickness is a powerful motivator. Even when I feel exhausted from this stressful job, I think about the people who are battling between life and death. This is enough to keep me going and get back to my usual form.

23. How Do You Deal With An Angry Consumer?

Dealing with an angry consumer can be a challenging task, but it’s essential to handle the situation calmly and professionally. Based on my experience, here are some tips that can help:

  • Listen actively to the consumer’s concerns and acknowledge their frustration.
  • Stay calm and avoid getting defensive or argumentative.
  • Explain the company’s policies and procedures clearly and politely.
  • Offer a solution that meets the consumer’s needs, if possible.
  • Follow up with the consumer to ensure their satisfaction.

Remember, every consumer is different, and their needs and expectations may vary. It’s crucial to approach each situation with an open mind and a willingness to find a mutually beneficial solution. By handling angry consumers with patience and understanding, you can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

24. Have You Researched The Company’s Rules And Values?

I have gone through Stryker’s code of conduct document and conducted my own research as well. It is reassuring to know that the company operates within legal and ethical boundaries. Stryker’s policies foster a positive and effective professional relationship with employees, which ultimately leads to better results. It is clear that the company values its employees and is committed to creating a supportive work environment.

25. If Hired, Can You Frequently Travel Owing To The Job’s Requirements?

As a candidate, I understand that Stryker is a multinational medical company, and I am willing to travel and relocate frequently for work purposes. I am open to relocating to any requested place, as long as it provides me with enough free space to utilize my skills in the right manner, helping the company to grow. I am excited about the prospect of exploring new places and meeting new people, and I am confident that I can adapt quickly to any new environment.


Preparing for an interview with Stryker can be overwhelming, but with the right resources, you can ace it. Our article provides 25 commonly asked questions and sample answers to help you prepare. In addition to this, we recommend conducting thorough research on the company’s website and team members to gain a better understanding of their work environment and responsibilities. By doing so, you can anticipate what the recruiter may expect from you and structure your answers accordingly. With this information and your own preparation, you can confidently approach your Stryker interview and land your dream job.